Residence for the Foundation of Children with Cancer
Caracas, Venezuela
Architecture: Arch. Camilo Lander
Construction: 1344 m2 (14466 sf)
Scope: Structural Engineering Project
Sector: Residential
Project Year: 2023
Construction Year: 2024-2025
Caracas, Venezuela
Architecture: Arch. Camilo Lander
Construction: 1344 m2 (14466 sf)
Scope: Structural Engineering Project
Sector: Residential
Project Year: 2023
Construction Year: 2024-2025
Structural design of a 4-story reinforced concrete building. In the internal openings, due to architectural requirements, a solid slab supported on the columns was designed to support gravitational loads, eliminating the use of internal load beams, providing greater free height in the interior areas. The earthquake-resistant system is made up of special moment frames (SMFs) on the perimeter facades, in accordance with local regulations (COVENIN 1753 and 1756-2020). The foundations are made up of piles excavated on site.